Jalview talk and users meeting in Berlin at ISMB 2013
If you plan to attend the ISMB meeting in Berlin this July, then be sure to come to the Jalview and JABAWS users, developers, and educators birds- of-a-feather meeting on Monday July 22nd at 5.40pm. We will also talk about the latest developments in Jalview and JABAWS during the Jalview Technology Track Talk (see TT01) which takes place at 10.30am on Sunday July 21st in Hall 9.
Technology track Talk TT01: 10.30am Sunday 21st July (Hall 9)
Jalview and JABAWS in 2013: extensible open source sequence analysis
In the Jalview technology track talk, we will demonstrate the latest developments and discuss the future plans for Jalview and JABAWS, including upcoming highlights in the Jalview 2.8.x series such as support for handling secondary structure annotation extracted from 3D structure data. We’ll also reveal some exciting news about the Jalview and JABAWS development team.
Birds of a Feather Meeting on 5.40pm Monday 22nd July
Calling all Jalview and JABAWS users, developers, and educators!
If you want to come and discuss how Jalview and JABAWS can be used in teaching and research, or could be extended or otherwise improved, then the Jalview Birds of a Feather is for you. We’ll also come prepared to demonstrate new Jalview prototypes, talk about the range of options for Jalview user and developer training courses, and discuss how Jalview and JABAWS are being used by educators in the UK.