Download a Jalview Desktop app installer for your platform

The recommended way to run Jalview is via the Jalview Desktop App. This is a native application that provides all the necessary components to run Jalview on your platform. When launched, the app will automatically download the latest released version of Jalview.

We don’t release Jalview Desktop Apps as frequently as Jalview. However, if your existing installation is older, then we do recommend you download and install the latest App. If in doubt, please take a look at the release notes for the latest installer release.

The latest installer version of Jalview is released on (view release notes).
When Jalview is launched it will update to released on (view release notes).
 Type InstallerInstallation notes
Your platform has been detected as unknown OS. Click on the a Download button to install or view all installers
SHA256: fbd3f59ee0575fbe80df58da154042b751d2a151e9262ae98bb54957a58592a8
SHA256: 7c2c66b0dcf6e3aec70800870d9f4cdb97df5cb0b5427dbbed2ddd5f7a32c530
SHA256: 41ea2fbaa6ec8ed3e4f1fbe7f546fef1d397fed591bc18c46c328b9f0acb9854
SHA256: 2000cc15e9cd007a2fecbef579b1fcaf5739d974fe34d24cccb26435dfa3fb25
SHA256: aebc4ff21421ad221b6492c5d46e7e42885d9d47567540dc2acdd1ffb5f2d86f
SHA256: 121a7fcfacf37435eb44c59bf92f2db8bc621807f1efcae82a475c1d59bdacbf
SHA256: 522f71d16d57d357ad95fd25e50753825663caf4117820cd33054a20a0c67f90

If you want to test features scheduled for the next release of Jalview, please install the Jalview Test app.

If you are interested in trying out features currently in development, please install the Jalview Develop app.

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Thanks to ej-technologies for granting a free install4j license to the Jalview Open Source Project. Jalview's desktop installers were built with the install4j multi-platform installer builder and Gradle.