Site Notes

Notes on the conversion from Drupal to Hugo and things that will need changed/tested on production.

News posts

To make things tidier:

  • All old news posts have been moved into subfolders in content/news/Archive but have a “url” parameter defined in their front matter to keep them at the old URL in the published site.
  • New ‘News’ posts should be created in per year folders to make it easier to find articles for editing.
  • An example draft news post has been created at news/2021/Jalview-website-revamped

RSS Feeds

Hugo creates feeds for content automatically. If you run hugo and then look in the generated site in the public directory you’ll see index.xml files along side

The only feed currently exposed in the web site is the ‘all news’ feed linked on the home page/news section sidebar news/index.xml.

JalviewJS and Download pages

Currently these pages exist but should be removed and replaced with menu declarations linking to the external resources in config/default/config.toml. Unless those outside pages are brought into Hugo before launch.

Went looking for better quality logo images. Used the SVG BG logo. BBSRC has had a rebrand, have included the much bigger new logo.

Staging Site

The baseurl for the staging site is currently set to my server - that will need updated or removed when you get setup on yours.

See config/staging/config.toml

Google Analytics

Jalview GA ID has been taken from old site and added to Hugo config but can only be tested on the production site - please check its working!


The following 301 Permenant Redirects will need to be created:

  • Moved training/training_courses to training/training-courses for consistency.

  • Moved faqs at eg /node/34 to full named path eg /help/faq/how-do-i-edit-sequences. So all these:

original  new-url
/node/326 /help/faq/I-downloaded-the-Jalview-Installer-for-OSX-but-the-install-application-wont-run
/node/33 /help/faq/How-do-I-run-Jalview
/node/34 /help/faq/How-do-I-edit-sequences-in-Jalview
/node/35 /help/faq/How-do-I-get-the-consensus-sequence-for-an-alignment
/node/36 /help/faq/F2-key-does-not-toggle-Cursor-mode-on-my-Mac
/node/37 /help/faq/Is-there-a-quick-reference-for-Jalview
/node/38 /help/faq/Does-Jalview-work-with-nucleotide-sequences-and-alignments
/node/39 /help/faq/Why-cant-I-save-files-or-images-from-the-Applet-version
/node/40 /help/faq/Can-I-run-Jalview-from-the-command-line
/node/41 /help/faq/The-old-Jalview-had-font-size-and-page-orientation-for-Postscript
/node/42 /help/faq/How-do-I-increase-the-memory-available-to-Jalview
/node/43 /help/faq/Something-that-normally-works-in-Jalview-has-stopped-working
/node/44 /help/faq/How-do-I-report-a-bug-in-Jalview
/node/45 /help/faq/Can-I-install-Jalview-on-a-server
/node/46 /help/faq/Jalview-2-5-doesnt-start-after-installing-using-InstallAnywhere-on-OSX
/node/47 /help/faq/Im-having-problems-using-InstallAnywhere-on-Mac-OSX-10-3-9
/node/48 /help/faq/I-get-Windows-Error-3-when-installing-with-InstallAnywhere
/node/49 /help/faq/A-Jalview-file-I-created-in-an-earlier-version-of-Jalview-no-longer-loads
/node/50 /help/faq/InstallAnywhere-on-Linux-fails-to-find-shared-libraries
/node/51 /help/faq/My-application-doesnt-like-the-start-end-sequence-suffix-saved-by-Jalview
/node/53 /help/faq/Java-Web-Start-version-of-Jalview-fails-with-error-Unable-to-Launch
/node/54 /help/faq/Warning-about-untrusted-or-out-of-date-certificate-when-launching-Jalview-via-Java-Webstart
  • There are probably several other minor changes (spaces in URLs etc) that I corrected on older news articles but failed to record. For the most part I suspect these wont actually matter. But I suggest keeping an eye on server logs for 404 errors and adding any further required redirects.