Jalview Launch Files - JVL
Files with a '.jvl' (or .JVL) extension can be opened by the Jalview desktop application, and allow you to:
Some example JVL files are given below - copy and paste them into a text editor and save them as a file with the extension '.jvl'. To test, open your saved .jvl file via the OSX File Chooser or Windows file explorer, or pass it to Jalview via the command line
Passing command line arguments
# Jalview Launch File # Please install the Jalview Desktop from # https://www.jalview.org/getdown/release # and then try to open this file again jalview.apparg=-open jalview.apparg=https://www.jalview.org/examples/jpred_msa.fasta jalview.apparg=-annotations jalview.apparg=https://www.jalview.org/examples/jpred_msa.seq.concise jalview.apparg=-colour jalview.apparg=Clustal
Launching a different version of Jalview
# Jalview Launch File # Please install the Jalview Desktop from # https://www.jalview.org/getdown/release # and then try to open this file again appbase=https://www.jalview.org/getdown/archive/2_10_5/For security, the Jalview application will only allow appbase URLs from www.jalview.org.