Archived Jalview News Items (2011-2021)
Seasons Greetings from the Jalview team
in community newsGeoff played the flute at the ever popular School of Life Sciences’ carol concert.
“We extend our very best wishes for a happy holiday season” from all the Jalview and Dundee Resources team Geoff, Jim, Mungo, Charles, Alexey and Suzanne.
Dec 20th Jalview service interruption
in general newsThe power supply on our University campus will be shut down on Sunday 20th December from 09:00 to 13:00 GMT for maintenance.
This will affect Jalview services. Apologies for the inconvenience.
If you need to run Jalview during this period, we recommend that you download Jalview in advance from our installation page located at instead of using webstart to launch Jalview.
Jalview in London and Norwich
in conference newsGeoff Barton presented a Jalview and a protein structure tutorial at the Biochemical Society workshop in London on Monday 7th December 2015, as part of the New Developments in Protein Structure Modelling for Biological and Clinical Research Workshop. On the Tuesday, Geoff highlighted the new features in Jalview during his “Hot Topic” talk.
The week before, Jim Procter talked about ‘The Jalview 2.9 Series Roadmap’ at the The Genome Analysis Centre in Norwich as part of the 2nd BiVi Annual Meeting. Jim also gave a second presentation about VIZBI 2016.
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Undergraduates test Jalview
in training newsAs part of the science communication project Charlotte Campbell, a 4th year BSc Hons student in Molecular Genetics, prepared an undergraduate training booklet using Jalview to understand protein sequence alignment and tree generation. Today she tested it out on the undergraduate students.
Patch Friday: Second Patch release for 2.9
in development newsJalview 2.9.0b2 fixes a Desktop bug where group associated consensus and conservation annotation rows are duplicated when an alignment is partitioned by clicking on the tree viewer.
This version of Jalview is also the first to be provided as ’timestamped’ signed jars. What this means is that Jalview 2.9.0b2 will always be allowed to run on systems that support Java, even after our Certum code signing certificate is no longer valid. Thanks to for providing a public timestamp server !
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Patch Friday: 2.9.0b1 patch release
in development newsWe’ve just uploaded the patch release for version 2.9. This new version addresses a dozen or so minor issues in the desktop and applet, including linked editing of cDNA and Protein alignments and exchange of alignment data embedded in HTML pages. As usual, let us know about any problems through our email list or directly via our bug tracker!
For the full details, take a look at version 2.9.0b1’s release notes.
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Dundee Doors Open Day 2015
in general newsOn Saturday 19th September, Jalview participated in the School of Life Sciences’ ‘Dundee Open Doors’ day. There was a Jalview jigsaw (below), amino acid pairs game, badge makers and molecule building activities, these were alongside the other events which included tours, chemistry shows, films, art exhibitions and other hands-on activities.
‘Jalview Open Doors’ video explaining how the free, open source, multiple sequence alignment software operates was shown on 4K screen in the Street.
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Version 2.9 now available !
in general newsIn addition to a staggering number of bug-fixes and improvements, this major release brings new key capabilities for:
- Alignment, editing and analysis of proteins linked to coding sequences - Discovery and retrieval of 3D Structure Data from the EMBL-EBI’s PDBe query services
- Publishing and exchange of data and visualisations on the Web with BioJS-MSA.
- UCSF Chimera and VARNA session storage in Jalview Projects
- Secondary structure prediction with Jpred4.
For the full story, please check out the new version’s release notes and documentation. We’ll look forward seeing your questions and bug-reports on the mailing lists, and our bug-tracker !
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Watch our 2 new Jalview videos!
in general news“Discovering Jalview” and “The Jalview Team” have been added to the Jalview YouTube channel, and can be found in the “Jalview Dundee” playlist.
Vote in Jalview's new poll..
in community newsJalview team are interested to know what your favourite Jalview analysis tool is.
Please go to our home page at and cast your vote.