Archived Jalview News Items (2011-2021)
New poll!
in community newsWe are starting the new year with a new poll. This is located on the left hand side of our home page (
Thank-you everyone who voted in the previous polls.
Please vote and tell use your favourite multiple sequence alignment method available in web services.
London 2014 Jalview training course success
in training newsJim Procter, Geoff Barton and Suzanne Duce travelled down to London to host the first London Jalview one-day training course at University College London’s Bloomsbury Campus.
The workshop involved hands-on exercises using Jalview interleaved with talks about alignment algorithms, phylogenetic tree generation, 3D molecular visualisation, secondary structure and disorder prediction. The aim was to help both novices and more experienced users get the most from Jalview’s sequence alignment, editing, annotation and analysis capabilities.
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Version 2.8.2 Now available!
in development newsWe are very pleased to announce that Jalview version 2.8.2 is now available (just in time for our Jalview course in London on 15th December!).
This release is special for a number of reasons, the most important being that it is the first one produced by our new core development team members Mungo Carstairs and Tochukwu (Charles) Ofoegbu, and also includes features introduced by our 2012 Jalview summer of code student, Anne Menard. The highlights in this release are described below, but please see the Jalview 2.8.2 Release Notes for the comprehensive list of bug fixes and improvements.
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Few places still available on the London 2014 Jalview course
in general newsThe London 2014 Jalview training course on sequence alignment and analysis is suitable for anyone who works with protein and RNA sequences. It is aimed at both Jalview novices and experienced users who would like to learn more about Jalview’s capabilities.
The course is being held at University College London’s Bloomsbury Campus on Monday 15th December 2014, and starts at 9am.
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General public test Jalview
in community newsApproximately 350 visitors came to the College of Life Science’s ‘Open Doors’ day on Saturday 8th November 2014.
In the main entrance, there was a live demo of Jalview running enabling the general public to compare a protein extracted from a bone fossil of Neanderthal man with the same proteins in homo-sapiens, primates and other animals. The demonstration involved the alignment, analysis and annotation of the protein sequence data, as well as viewing the 3D structure of the protein and generating a phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary relationships.
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apologies for Jalview launch problems on 3rd-4th November 2014
in development newsUnfortunately, due to a configuration error whilst we updated our drupal servers, the Jalview desktop and applet were unavailable for a short period of time, but are now back. We realise here at that this outage will have inconvenienced many people, and we’ve already begun to take steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Thanks for your patience - and stay tuned for the next Jalview release! Version 2.8.2 is rapidly approaching beta, and should be fully released by the middle of the month !
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Register for the Jalview London 2014 One Day Workshop
in training newsWe will be holding a one-day Jalview hands-on workshop on Monday 15th December 2014 at University College London, hosted by the Orengo Group.
This course is for anyone who works with biological sequences, it involves of a mixture of talks and hands-on exercises.
The course will be held in IT Suite B29 in Foster Court (click for map), which is in University College London’s Bloomsbury Campus.
Registration costs £15 for students and £25 for everyone else. This covers refreshments, lunch, and course materials.
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Jalview's new software developers
in general newsIn the last two months, Mungo Carstairs and Charles Ofoegbu have joined the Jalview team as software developers.
Official Opening of the Discovery Centre
in general newsPhotographs courtesy of Dr Marek Gierlinski
University of Dundee’s new £26m Discovery Centre in College of Life Sciences was officially opened on Wednesday 1st October by Nobel Laureate Sir Paul Nurse. The VIP guest tours of the department show-cased the research in the Division of Computational Biology.
Jalview website has a NEW poll!
in community newsWe appreciate that over 1000 Jalview users replied to the question in our first poll asking ‘Which term best describes you?’
Biologists had the highest vote (55%) and bioinformaticians were second (33%); we were pleased that chemists (5%), software developers (4%) and clinical researchers (3%) also voted.
Our new poll is asking ‘What type of biological sequence data do you most frequently analyse with Jalview?’
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