Exporting alignments as graphics and lineart
The alignment view can be printed using File→Print,
or exported in a number of ways via the File→Export
for viewing in a web browser
- PNG - a Portable Networks Graphics image
low quality diagrams and powerpoint presentations
- EPS - an Encapsulated Postscript Document
high quality diagrams and publications.
- SVG - a Scalable Vector Graphics document
high quality diagrams in publications and on the web.
- BioJS MSA - A JavaScript based multiple sequence alignment
For interactive alignment data
visualisation in a web browser.
Get more info about the
BioJS MSA viewer at a
Exporting alignments as Web Pages
In Jalview 2.9, new HTML exporting options were introduced. The
standard HTML export option displays alignments as SVG documents
embedded as scollable panes. Exported pages can optionally also
include BioJSON data,
which allows Jalview to extract the original data used to create the
page. Jalview can also generate HTML pages which embed BioJSON data
and the BioJS MSA viewer, a pure javascript alignment viewer that
provides a range of interactive analysis capabiltiies.
Tips for working with EPS Files
The EPS file generated by Jalview contains vector graphics
which are directly editable in graphics applications such as Adobe
EPS files can be produced as "Text" or
"Lineart". Use "Text" if you want the final
document to be MUCH smaller in diskspace and be able to search, edit
and select text. Use "Lineart" if you want an exact image
of the alignment as displayed in Jalview. This is useful if a 3rd
Party EPS viewer does not have the same Font which the EPS file was
created with.
When importing an EPS file into a Microsoft office document,
a snapshot image of the file will be displayed which often looks
blurred. Right-click the image and choose "Edit image." to
convert it to word drawing objects which give a truer WYSIWIG
Mac OSX users will find that eps files are automatically
converted into PDF files.