Viewing and exporting sequence annotation reports
Much of the information retrieved by Jalview about a sequence is
visualized on the alignment. Often, however, there are a huge number
of ontology terms, cross-references, links to publications and other
kinds of data shown in the sequence ID tooltip that cannot be
examined. In this case, you can view and export the information
shown in a sequence's ID tooltip by right-clicking and selecting the
"(sequence's name)→Sequence
Details ..."
entry from the pop-up menu.
Annotation Reports for a range of sequences
If you would like to view the tooltips for a number of sequences,
simply select them all and then use the Selection→Sequence
Details ... entry in the pop-up
Copying and pasting annotation to other programs
The File→Save option in the sequence
annotation report window allows the report to be saved as HTML,
which will preserve links and any other metadata. It is also
possible to copy and paste the text to other programs, but in some
cases, the HTML will not be preserved. In that case, you can toggle
the display of HTML source code with the Edit→Show
HTML Source drop down menu entry.