Training Course: Alignment, Analysis and Visualisation with Jalview - Edinburgh
Length: 1.5 days
Location: Edinburgh
Location: G.155, Peter Wilson Building, King’s Buildings, Edinburgh,EH9 3JG
Summary: Jalview ( is one of the most widely used applications for visualising and analysing DNA, RNA and protein multiple sequence alignments. It is designed to enable anyone working with protein, RNA and DNA sequences to investigate their structure, function and evolution, and create high-quality figures for publication. In a full day introductory workshop and a half-day advanced workshop, Jalview’s lead developer and outreach officer will take participants through a series of hands-on exercises covering all of Jalview’s key capabilities and latest features.
Instructors: Jim Procter (U. Dundee), Suzanne Duce (U. Dundee).
Who should attend: MRes/PhD students, researchers and educators unfamiliar with Jalview should attend the Introductory workshop on the 29th April. Experienced users need only attend the advanced workshop on 30th April to learn about newly added capabilities.
Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of molecular biology and biochemistry.
Equipment: Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops (Windows/OSX/Linux) but logins will be provided for computers in the UoE IT Suite.
Introductory workshop (9-5pm Monday 29th April): Participants will learn about multiple sequence alignments and how to create, analyse and visualise them with the Jalview Desktop. A series of short talks, hands-on exercises and Q&A sessions allow participants to explore Jalview’s capabilities for working with phylogenetic trees, 3D structures and annotation from public databases.
Advanced workshop (9-12.30pm Tuesday 30th April): Key topics in this workshop will be working with genomic variant data from Ensembl and Gnomad, scripting Jalview with Groovy, and taking advantage of UCSF Chimera’s 3D structure analysis capabilities in Jalview.
Register for both workshops (29-30th April) £45.00
Register for advanced workshop only (Tuesday 30th April) £0.00
Jalview training is supported by the BBSRC and Wellcome Trust. Registration fees cover administration, lunch and refreshments.
More about Jalview:
Jalview is free software developed by a Wellcome Trust and BBSRC supported team managed by Jim Procter and Geoff Barton ( at the University of Dundee. Together with the Dundee Resource for Protein Structure Prediction, it was recognised as an Elixir-UK Node Resource in 2016.
Date: 29-04-2019 to 30-04-2019
Course: Edinburgh Genomics, University of Edinburgh
Location Edinburgh
Duration: 1.5 days
Posted date: 2020-02-26